+1 (410) 399-1936
Mon - Fri 08:00-18:00
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Result Oriented Project Management

Result Oriented Project Management

The global pandemic and other recent world events like the Russia-Ukraine war have made the business environment even more VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) than it already was. Organizations have enver before been so challenged to generate tangible business results amid ever-changing events that make this difficult. Companies are compeled to ideate, plan and implement strategic projects with clear business results in mind. Project stakeholders now expect projects to rapidly adjust to the fast changes in the environment in order to sustain and even optimize these results. How can project managers and project team members ensure that their projects remain relevant to the business results they were designed to achieve at any one time during the project lifecycle?

Program Objectives

Provide a structured way for people working in projects to design, plan and implement and manage projects based on the anticipated business results for their organizations. The program aims to enhance the skills of project practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate fast paced business environments that require peak performance and optimized results.

Target Audience

– Project manager
– C-level decision makers
– Project Performance Appraisers
– Project Team members
– Other interested parties

Program Outline

1 – The project imperative and the need for tangible business results
2 – Business Results mapping and planning
3 – Scoping a Results-driven Project
4 – Results-driven scheduling
5 – Qualifying and Quantifying business and project risks
6 – Project team dynamics and alignment with expected results
7 – Business results management and alignment with project management
8 – Negotiating Results with key stakeholders during project execution

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

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scrum@ulabsinternational.com Mon – Fri 08:00-18:00

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