Learn the concepts and practices necessary to take and pass the PSM I and II certifications in 4 weeks. We provide working-adult-oriented learning materials, test quizzes and exam simulation exercises as well as robust test-taking strategies
We work with you to prepare your work credentials to showcase your experience, prepare you for job interviews and job search, through carefully guided simulations
We provide scaffolding before and after working in your scrum role, through role-based simulation and practice, using real life situations our scrum master trainers and product owners have encountered in real life.
The practitioner does at their own pace before the lab session, on a web app / smart app. Concepts, preparatory steps and practical exercises are provided. The practitioner is expected to complete all the necessary steps in the PRELAB session, prior to the LAB session
Focus is almost entirely on practicing the concepts from the PRELAB to fix them. As shown in the time split as above, the practitioner works with their coach and other cohort members on drills, simulations, and other guided practice. These hands-on work is carried out based on the specific functional and/or company context in which they find themselves today or will in the foreseeable future.
If the Coach (from ULABS) identifies any gaps during the lab session that may hinder a practitioner’s progress, then she receommends further work in the we a POST LAB session, which is done in a micro learning digital environment (app), at their pace. Practitioners can carry out further practice drills, complete mock tests, practice time management especially for certification-based scenarios and work on speaking (interview directed) drills.
If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.
Call :
scrum@ulabsinternational.com Mon – Fri 08:00-18:00